13 de enero de 2016



Luciana Toaldo Avila, Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison


Different national education policies have been formulated for more egalitarian education guaranteed to different Brazilian social contexts. In order to meet the reality of non-urban schools needs, the Ministry of Education (MEC), through the Education Program for the Field, invested in the creation of at Field Education degree courses (CLECs) in mode of distance education, with the intention of forming teachers trained specifically to work in rural schools. By thinking on the quality of training of these teachers, especially in the way they manage their processes of learning and teaching, the aim of this study was to investigate, through the analysis of narratives, if students enrolled in a course in distance education mode, in a CLEC the southern region of Brazil, reveal use of self-regulation strategies to benefit their learning throughout the execution of supervised internships, required in the course. The narratives, built and registered in a "formative memorial", were analyzed based on the construct of learning self-regulated, through the discursive textual analysis method. The analysis revealed that the students surveyed were able to use different self-regulatory strategies of learning, classified as behavioral, cognitive / metacognitive and motivational strategies during the period that included the execution of her internships. In conclusion, the use of strategies allowed the students play a more aware and autonomous role in their learning, characteristics important of a students in a course in distance education mode to achieve her goals and objectives. Besides contributing to the learning of their students, since to be aware of the challenges and seek to resolve them, through the use of different strategies, benefited his with more reflective practices and contextualized to the local needs reals.


Distance education; teacher education; learning self-regulated.

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